Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Admission (2013)

Admission, starring Tina Fey and Paul Rudd, is an American romantic comedy drama directed by Paul Weitz in 2013 is an easy and enjoyable watch. The movie was adapted from the novel written by Jean Hanff Korelitz, with the same name, ‘Admission’.The film was filmed both at the Princeton University and at Manhattanville College in Purchase, New York. The movie was released in United States and Canada on 22 March 2013. Even though, the movie received some mixed reviews from various websites, i still found this movie to be quiet enjoyable 

The usually firm and confident admissions officer at Princeton University, Portia Nathan (Tina Fey), after much denial to his college mate John Pressman’s (Paul Weitz) offer to vist his Quest school, where he partly looks over the school doperation and at the same time teaches. Portia visits the school, however it was just not one of her usual school visits. As she gets introduced to some of the students at the school, she gets to meet someone very special, a child prodigy Jeremiah Balakian (Nat Wolff). John convinces her in believing that Jeremiah is her son, whom she had to give up into adoption, when she was younger. And after some time passes, John sends Jeremiah's transcript to Portia with the intention of admitting him to Princeton, however, there was a problem with his transcript... 

Even though, Portia's position as an admissions officer of a prestigious university was in danger, she risks her career and tries to get admitted him into university in not so proper way. However, her action gets caught and gets asked to leave her position. And there are a lot of interesting details, that I have not written here, so if you are curious to know, i will just say watch the movie. So, I guess I would recommend this movie to everyone, who enjoys a movie with a bit of drama, a bit humour and a few unexpected twists. 

Here's trailer, enjoy:

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